The website: is defined as
A MARİLLA’S ISTANBUL: KRN Giyim Gıda İnşaat Sanayi ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Entering the website or using any information on the website means that you accept the below terms.
A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL is not responsible for any direct or indirect losses incurred, loss or damage that may arise by breach of contract, tort, or any other reasons, including but not limited to computer viruses, trojans and similar malicious software (malware) that may occur due to entering the website, using the website or the information and other data, programs etc. on the website or due to behavior during these data and information. A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL is not carrying any civil or criminal liability.
Users accept, declare and commit in advance to not file, under any name, any demand or claim of A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL caused by above mentioned damages.
A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL does not accept any responsibility for the interruption of process, error, neglect, deduction caused by breach of contract, tort, neglect or any other reason.
A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL reserves the right to change the information provided on the website, of reorganization of the website, to cease publication and the terms of use regarding any existing service, product provided on the website or the extension of the website, terms of use of the website without the need for prior notification.
Amendments come into force immediately upon release on the website. These amendments are deemed accepted upon usage of or entry to the website. These conditions are valid for other websites mentioned in links also.
A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL reserves the right to reach out to the user for contact, marketing, notification or other purposes by ways of letters, e-mails, sms, telephone calls and other through the information provided or updated by the user in the website registry form such as address, e-mail address, landline and mobile phone numbers and other contact information. The user, with this agreement, agrees and declares that A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL, unless a written revocation is issued, may contact the user as detailed above.
A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL does not accept any responsibility for the interruption of process, error, neglect, deduction, deletion, loss, delay in process or communication, computer virus, communication error, theft, destruction or unpermitted entry to the records, amendments or usage caused by breach of contract, tort, neglect or any other reason.
The website might contain links or references to other sites that are not under the control of A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL and is not responsible for the content or other links within this sites.
All content in the website, the related legal rights, the general view and design of its parks and details of these and all information, all materials (“Materials”) including pictures, the A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL brand and other brands, the domain, logo, icon, idea, script, data, design, slogan, banner, all other statements, software, programs, layout, demonstrative, written, electronic, graphic or machine readable technical data, computer software, applied sales system, business method and business model and the intellectual and industrial property rights belonging to these are owned or licenses are held and are under legal protection. No material contained on the website can be amended, copied, reproduced, translated into another language, re-published, installed on another computer, mailed, transmitted, presented or distributed without prior permission or referencing. The whole of the website or a portion of it cannot be used on another website without permission. Contrary actions will require civil and criminal liabilities.
A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL reserves its legal rights of launching, resuming and concluding legal action against persons acting contrary to above mentioned prohibition under all national and international regulations including the provisions under the Nr. 5846 Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works. All other legal rights of A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL not openly expressed here are also reserved.
Determined with this user-membership agreement; if the account is used detrimentally towards A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL or third parties and/or if the commercial reputation of A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL is hurt by the actions of the user, A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL has the right to cancel the user’s membership and pursue both administrative and judicial actions through all types of authorities in case the account is used outside of its unilaterally by A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL determined purposes. Furthermore, the “Invite your Friend” application found on the A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL website cannot be used for unwanted commercial mailings/unsolicited bulk e-mailing (UCE/SPAM) and in the purpose of achieving earnings.
For this reason, in case of operations by the user contrary to this provision, the account of the user, including coupons, will be terminated indefinitely and unilaterally without the need for any other reasoning. A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL reserves all litigation and claim rights in response to any damage it may suffer from this. A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL reserves the authority to update the content of this legal warning page and recommends users to visit the legal warnings page at every log-in.
Confidentiality Agreement
Our website (, as a site prioritizing to create a safe environment for its members and customers, stipulates the following confidentiality rules to be followed:
• Your e-mail address will not be declared or used for any reason or in regard of any person.
• By receiving your permission beforehand, promotional and campaign news of only our website and its products will be sent to your e-mail from time to time.
• The member information and personal information you give us will not be shared with other members. These information will only be used to better determine our customer profile and provide a better service to you.
• While our website does not save records of your credit card in any way, it will also not ask such information under the guise of membership information.
• During your shopping experience no one including our website staff will see your credit card information. These information, under very high security processes, are only forwarded to the banks we work with.
• Hereby we commit to keep your personal information private and secret, to accept this information as a responsibility of confidentiality and to provide maintain this confidentiality, to take all necessary precautions and to exercise due diligence to prevent part of or all of this confidential information to be made known in public or used unauthorized or to be disclosed to third parties. However, our right of disclosure of these information by law, in accordance with current applicable laws and if requested by administrative, judicial and other official authorities, is reserved.
Our website needs your personal information to provide and conduct below processes;
• Activate e-mail,
• Administer your order,
• Verify your payment,
• Inform you about your order,
• Deliver you your product,
• Inform you of our novelties with your permission,
• Provide you with the perfect shopping experience,
• Create a safety record with each shopping experience.
Our website, a site with the principle of creating a safer environment for its members and customers, demands that below confidentiality rules are abided:
• Your e-mail address will not be disclosed or used for any reason or to any interlocutor.
• Only with your prior permission, news and promotions about solely our website and products will be sent to your e-mail address from time to time.
• The membership and personal information you provide us will not be shared with other members. These information will only be used to better determine our customer profile in order to serve you better.
• While our website will not save your credit card information anywhere, it will also not ask for this information under the pretense of membership information.
• During your shopping experience, no one including our website employees will see your credit card information. These information, only under very high security measures, are directly transmitted to our partnering banks.
1- This agreement is concluded between KRN Giyim Gıda İnşaat Sanayi ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. (“A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL”) with the company headquarters at Tatlısu Mh. Elalmış Cd. No: 73/3 Ümraniye/İstanbul/ Türkiye address and the website member (“Member”) according below conditions.
2-, requires some of your personal information (name, age, interests, e-mail, etc.) in order to provide better service to its members. A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL will only use your personal information to improve its service quality; to conduct member order processes, deliver your products, inform you about novelties, complete your order and communicate related information; inform about products, services, campaigns and promotions; to classify members in order not to send unwanted e-mails according member preferences.
3- will send you, as soon as you confirm membership and commercial communication, daily and weekly informational e-mails to your e-mail address unless requested otherwise. You have the right to change, renounce and restart service regarding these e-mails at any given point. Your personal information can be used to adapt our website according our users’ interests, perform trend and statistical analyses’ to enrich and improve the website content, improve the website safety, marketing and advertising to improve the special and effective shopping experience of its members, purchasing and similar topics or might be shared with companies (shipping, delivery, call center, database, etc. service companies) that cooperate with us for the execution of the agreement.
4- Aside of the personal information that are requested on the e-mail and membership forms, A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL analyzes and interprets visitor movements and choices during the website use. These statistical data that do not contain personal information can be shared with A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL business partners in order to provide a more special and effective shopping experience to customers.
5- The information updates by members that are realized on the website are also realized in the A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL centers membership information within the common data pools. According to this agreement, members consent that their personal information they shared with A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL and the approval and consents they gave can be used, processed and stored by a free of charge A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL application and/or other companies under the roof of A MARILLA’S ISTANBUL within the framework of this agreement.
6- does not in any way commercially use or sell for any non-operational reason, share under no circumstance with third parties, the member information gathered during their registration on the website without the knowing of the member or without adverse instruction. Customer information can only be shared in case official authorities duly request these information and in situations where according to applicable mandatory provisions of the legislation it must make a statement to the official authorities.
7- All information the customer enters into the system is only accessible by the customer and can only be amended by the customer. It is not possible for someone else to access and amend these information.
8- Collected financial information are used for the products and services you purchased to be invoiced. You accept that your financial information is shared with necessary third parties (banks, credit card companies, etc.) to process your transaction when you realize a purchase from our website. The information to be shared includes all financial information including credit card number, expiration date and CVV2.
9- Your credit card information is not saved within the website. The credit card information requested on the Payment page is in no way saved in the servers of or the servers of the companies that serve it in order to uphold the safety level at a maximum level for you, our valuable purchasing customers. In this way, all processes regarding payment are secured to be realized through the interface between the bank and your computer.
10- All your credit card and personal information are encrypted with the internet security standard SSL Secure System in 256 byte. In this way, the capturing of your information by unwanted persons or insitutions during their movement in the web is prevented. You can send us an e-mail through our Contact section on the website with all your questions and recommendations regarding our Confidentiality Policy.
11- You can execute your membership cancellation by sending an e-mail to the address.
You can reach through the velow contact information.
Address: Tatlısu Mh. Elalmış Cd. No: 73/3 Ümraniye/İstanbul/ Türkiye
Telephone: +90 533 312 87 01